Monday, October 26, 2009

Seizing Infinity

Blogging; probably the biggest cliche of the modern age. Yet at the same time, there's a certain freedom involved here. I can rant about my innermost feelings to whomever is kind enough to listen; that, my friends, is the charm that blogging brings with it. This is my forum to share my experiences, my soul, my life.

As I sit here on my bed (while I should really be studying) there a number of ground rules I have to set.

RULE #1: This is NOT going to be one of those blogs..[okay, damn..I don't like the word "blog"..How about "memoir"?]..*ahem* memoirs, where I just post stuff that I randomly see on the internet; that would be waaaaay to conventional and would defeat my purpose as I transition from fitting in to standing out.

RULE #2: Always follow Rule #1.
Just kidding..Well, not really. Haha, I love how funny I can be.

Now that we've set these up, I guess I can start! Let me begin our journey by telling you a little story behind the title, "Seizing Infinity." I have always loved what infinity represents. It represents the boundless, limitless, never-ending aspirations within all of us. It represents the fact that however far we've come, there's always the possibility of going even further. It represents that we should always keep moving because there is no destination.

And as we all attempt to seize infinity I would like you to picture yourself as a child, chasing after a balloon blowing in the wind, and each time you think you've got a hold of just slips out of your grip. This represents where my thoughts are at right now. Even though we probably will never get a hold of the balloon, it doesn't mean we should stop chasing it...the chase is the reason that makes our lives worth living.

On that profound note, I bid you all farewell. Here's to seizing infinity!

Fists and Hugs,


[If you are reading this, please comment so I know what you feel about this whole thing...It'd be much appreciated!!]


  1. Pretty insightful and thought provoking,
    keep memoir-ing!

  2. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

    hahaha seize that shit said, i wanna see ur next post.

  3. eh dogo huna kazi eh! sawa mzee continue posting your "memoirs" but remember in the attempt of catching that balloon we push others out of the way. Thats the only way you can seize anything in this individualistic society, but overpowering another.

  4. oya dude, the concept of infinity is indeed amazing and thoughtful. as amil said sometimes we push people out of our way to gain things and similarly in achieving our goals we should respect the people around us. never let ambition for infinity overpower respect and dignity for others. it would be fair to say that modern society has lost humanity in its ambition for limitless power as we can see through the atrocities committed by the governments of our so-called super powers

  5. kijana,
    unashindana na mimi nini?? GNR..ila umeshinda cz me situmii maneno magumu ka full videos and pics na mistari miwili ya 'bye bye' lol

  6. I love it!! What an awesome start... Just reading this first entry has been inspiring (I love that I'm learning from "mdogo wangu"), and those words you've written are definitely ones to live by. I hope you continue in the same vein.
    I'm very proud of you, "Chidiboi" and I look forward to reading more! I too shall learn to chase and seize infinity...

  7. Its all about the chase, always.

  8. I appreciate the love and I want you all to know that you're the reason that I do this. So any suggestions for improvements will not only be listened to, but also appreciated!

    And Aisha, Ahsante sana dada yangu! I love that I can be a little inspiration once in a while.

  9. so here i am...reading ur blog!!!u was like the idea with which u began the the end of of this so called road called like..more than wat uve done n said for u imapct others in the smallest things matter i gues...i don a confused child..anyways...dude my friend..i shall follow..:Preeti

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Very Well written. the style is impressive
    (and so are the ideas ofcourse)

    When u say we will never get a hold of the balloon but that it doesn't mean we should stop chasing it and that the chase is the reason that makes our lives worth living...
    Here u sound lyk an existentialist slash absurdist. ??

    we shud always keep moving "because" theres no destination?? hmmm... interesting concept...

    overall i like this. I like your writing. Iit's really ...personal (for lack of a more intellectual term :))

  12. well, maya. i was going through a phase when i wrote this and that was where all this came from. from the evident lack of updates, it's clear that i use this as a vehicle for me to vent out what's bothering me.

    in retrospect, i still think there's validity in what i said. instead of the baloon imagery, think of anybody reaching for anything that's not static. this is what infinity represents; the notion that we will never be the best we can be. the idea that whatever we do, we can always one up ourselves. the concept that there's always room for improvement.

    forget the child/baloon imagery for a second and picture a dog. running after a car. he knows he probably will never catch up to it, but still he chases and at the end of the day you can always tell that the little mutt is happy! kinda see where i'm going with this?

    i think over the next few weeks, i'll be posting some more stuff up coz you just made me realize something quite deep.

    glad you're a fan.
